
Improved public mindfulness about the connection among hereditary qualities and individual wellbeing has raised the interest for cytogenetic testing. The upside of this is clear in numerous specific situations, similar to hazard appraisal for familial malignant growth, pre-birth and pre-implantation determination, and the finding of anomalies in chromosomes in wellbeing and illness.

Malignant growth hereditary qualities manages finding and anticipation of diseases at a cell level assisting Physicians with settling on vital choices in medicines.

Cytogenetic tests are utilized to distinguish neonatal and pediatric problems identified with mental impediment, inherent illnesses of the heart and different organs, deafness, visual impairment and quality erasures and duplications. Chromosomal abnormalities in pre-birth diagnostics additionally frames a critical action in this office.

Our master geneticists additionally offer hereditary advising administrations.

Specialized capacities incorporate G banding, FISH and interphase/metaphase ID of cells. More up to date capacities are investigated and added with consistent clinical data sources got. Tissues utilized for examination – blood, bone marrow, DNA, Products of origination/abortus material , amniotic liquid, chorionic villus and rope blood. Hazard appraisal and visualization in diseases, hematological issues, pre-birth and cytogenetic inconsistencies in barren qualities, pediatric issues, formative sexual problems and pre-birth conclusion are the vital exercises of this division.

Information and test stockpiling as per public and global are stringently guaranteed keeping up security and secrecy with Apollo Diagnostics AAA+ confirmation.

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