Holter Monitoring in Dum Dum 72 Hrs

Discover Your Heart’s Rhythm with Holter Monitoring in Dum Dum. Are you experiencing unexplained chest pain, palpitations, or dizziness? Don’t let these symptoms go unnoticed. Take control of your heart health with Holter Monitoring in Dum Dum

Holter monitoring is a medical procedure used to continuously monitor a patient’s heart activity for an extended period, typically 24 to 48 hours, although longer durations are possible. It’s named after its inventor, Dr. Norman J. Holter, who developed the device in the 1940s.

During a Holter monitoring session, the patient wears a portable device called a Holter monitor, which records the electrical activity of the heart, known as an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). The monitor consists of electrodes attached to the patient’s chest, which are connected to a small recorder worn on the belt or shoulder strap.

The Holter monitor records the heart’s electrical signals continuously as the patient goes about their daily activities, including sleeping, exercising, and performing routine tasks. Patients are typically instructed to keep a diary during the monitoring period to note any symptoms they experience, such as palpitations, chest pain, or dizziness.

After the monitoring period is complete, the recorded data is analyzed by a Doctor, usually a cardiologist, to identify any abnormal heart rhythms or patterns. Holter monitoring is commonly used to diagnose various cardiac conditions, such as arrhythmias, heart palpitations, and episodes of dizziness or fainting.

Overall, Holter monitoring is a valuable diagnostic tool for assessing heart health and identifying irregularities in heart rhythm that may require further evaluation or treatment.

Holter Monitoring Bangur Near Laketown

Find our experienced team of cardiologists for Holter Monitoring Bangur Near Laketown, who will analyze the recorded data to detect any irregularities in your heart’s rhythm. Early detection can lead to timely intervention and better management of cardiac conditions.Our center in famous for Holter Monitoring Bangur Near Laketown.

Holter Monitoring in Nagerbazar

Say goodbye to lengthy hospital stays and uncomfortable tests. Holter Monitoring in Nagerbazar is a non-invasive procedure that allows you to carry on with your routine while gaining valuable insights into your heart health.

Holter Monitoring Near Kolkata Airport

Take proactive steps towards a healthier heart and peace of mind. With Holter Monitoring Near Kolkata Airport, you’ll have the reassurance of knowing your heart’s rhythm is being closely monitored by experts.Don’t ignore the warning signs your body is giving you. Take the first step towards better heart health today with Holter Monitoring.

72 Hrs Holter Monitoring in Dum Dum

We are a leading Kolkata healthcare provider of specialist diagnostic services for the private healthcare market. Working with all major insurers and clinicians, we can offer fast clinical access, expert diagnosis, and world class reports from fully qualified consultant radiologists.Helping our patients start their health journey sooner is our ambition. We focus on providing accessible and affordable services for everyone: from elite sportspersons to patients trying to regain their health after injury or illness.With Meditrust Diagonostic you have direct access to our private diagnostic centres in Dum Dum . We manage and deliver our own clinical services. There is no need to wait for estimated appointment times at uncertain locations

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